Friday, May 28, 2010


I found this in poem quoted in one of Ethan May's old fb notes.

"all heavy laden- acquainted with sorrow
may Christ in our marrow, carry us home
from alabaster come blessings of laughter
a fragrance of passion and joy from the truth

grant the unbroken tears ever flowing
from hearts of contrition only for You
may sin never hold true that love never broke through
for God's mercy holds us and we are His own

I love that third line. The thing that we think is too precious, that costs too much to let go of- that when we break it in an offering of love, it pours out the blessing of laughter and fragrance of joy."

Two stanzas can say so much. I thought I'd pass them along to you.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! And this is really refreshing to read. I think I needed that. Thanks Becs.
