Tuesday, May 17, 2011


There is a library full
(of books, I'm afraid)
that (almost) authors
(never) wrote

The blank pages
line the shelves
with (nothing)
words that never found their way
(got lost) from pen to page.

The difference between writers
and (almost) not writers
that writers

After a conversation with my discrete systems prof about his plans on being a writer someday, I thought to myself, "Could they build a library big enough to hold all the books that were almost written?"

I have been reading a lot of ee cummings lately, if you can't tell. :P


  1. you should have said that, it's a zinger. and Yes, I can tell.

  2. I did tell him, "You know, I always say the difference between writers and not writers is that writers write."
    he chuckled and replied, "Well, I'm a writer who doesn't write."

    I think he entirely missed my point.
