Sunday, May 30, 2010


There are many things about you
I never wish to be
but the one that makes me cringe the most,
the greatest travesty,
is something most don't know to miss
and what you've slowly lost is this:

Ability to leave behind
the reason-reigns of careful mind
in search of un-pathed ways
and in escape of schedule's maze,
let the soul discover
and lift imagination's cover;
to let your feet commit to wander,
leading your head forth to yonder
ordinary places;
your eyes to unfamiliar faces
made extraordinary
by simple discovery.

I know that you must bend and change;
I have no say in this.
But, tell me, when did you become
so adventureless?


  1. This is simply amazing, Becca! I've been sitting here reading it over and over. It makes me want to pack up and travel.
    By far one of my favourites that you have written thus far. Great job!

  2. :) thanks! yeh I agree... I think it's one of my best. It was what I was writing down when we were at coffee grounds the other day.
